Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Book Of Arts Essays - Mljet, Ship, Anchor, Acts 27,

Book of Arts The account of St.Paul's ill-fated journey to Rome in the New Testament's Book of Acts provides some useful insights into shipping practices during the first century of the common era. In this paper, I intend to summarise the information and clues provided in the Book of Acts and present an overview of some of the basic interpretations of the relevant passages. It is important to understand that the Book of Acts is a continuation of the gospel according to Luke and any reference to him here is in his capacity as writer of the Book. St.Paul, as a Roman prisoner, had been put in the charge of Julius, an officer in the "Emperor's Regiment" who was to take the prisoners to Rome to see the Emperor. At Caesarea, Julius had his prisoners board a ship from Adramyttium and they sailed overnight to Sidon. The next leg of their journey was more difficult as the winds were again against them. As such, they sailed the ship on the sheltered east side of the island of Cyprus, then west to Myra. In Myra, Julius moved his prisoners to a boat from Alexandria which was bound for Italy. The first leg of their journey aboard this new ship was difficult as the winds were against them. It took several days to reach Cnidus. With the wind against them still, they were forced to sail south, hoping to take shelter behind the island of Crete. Keeping close to shore, they eventually arrived at Safe Harbours, on the southern coast of Crete. Here they stayed for several days and the Book of Acts notes that St.Paul advised against continuing as the Day of Atonement had already past (Acts 27:9-11). The Day of Atonement is the traditional day at which shipping would stop for the winter in anticipation of the poor weather to come. It is normally marked towards the end of September or the start of October. However St.Paul's advice fell on deaf ears and Julius chose to accept the advice of the ship's owner and captain. They pressed on towards Phoenix (on Crete's west coast) which offered better winter harbour. Their plans were soon smashed by a strong wind from the north-east which blew them terribly off course. Helpless, the crew allowed the ship to drift. As they passed to the south of the island of Cauda (which provided a brief period of shelter against the wind), St.Luke notes that "...we managed to make the ship's boat secure. They pulled it aboard and then fastened some ropes tight round the ship." (Acts 27:16-17) These verses are of special importance to Landels. Landels notes that St.Luke is writing about under-belts or hypozomata, which are essentially large ropes tied around the hull of a ship in order to keep it together in rough weather (Landels 1981, Pg. 138). This was necessitated by the type of hull construction employed, called "carvel" construction" whic! h required the hull to be built within an "exoskeleton" of sorts which would not make up part of the finished hull. This method was typical of ship construction of the Mediterranean at the time. (Landels 1981, Pg. 137) According to Today's English Version from the Canadian Bible Society, the ship's crew then lowered her sails and continued to drift with the violent north-easterly winds. However, Farrar (1879) notes that the English version does not describe the sail work well enough. His description is a succinct model of clarity, I present it here: There was only one way to save themselves... to lie to, by rounding the prow of the vessel on the starboard tack as near to the wind as possible, to send down the topsail and cordage, lower the ponderous yard to such a height as would leave enough of the huge mainsail to steady the vessel, set the artemo, or storm-sail, and so... let her drift on, broadside and leeward, at the mercy of wind and wave. (Pg. 568) Over the next two days, equipment and cargo were dumped overboard (in that order) to lighten the load. Farrar (1925, Pg. 569) notes that earlier versions of the Book (Syriac, Coptic, etc.) refer to the dumping the vessel's "huge mainyard" overboard. This would have lightened the load considerably. According

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Book Cover Design Create AMAZING Covers in Just 7 Steps

Book Cover Design Create AMAZING Covers in Just 7 Steps Book Cover Design: Your 7-Step Guide to an Unforgettable Cover A great book cover design, at its most basic level, is something that will help readers take you and your book seriously. Online retailers like Amazon do not distinguish between traditional and self-published books - which means independent authors are often competing again Big 5 publishers. If your book stands a chance at succeeding, its design has to match or, if possible, exceed what the major companies are putting out.In this post, we will look at how you can design a book cover by yourself. We’ll then look at why you should consider professional cover design before revealing how you can find and collaborate with your ideal designer.How to design a book cover in 7 stepsBook cover design is a complex balance of images, text, and information - and you need someone who understands how each of these elements interacts with the others to best sell your book. How to design your own book cover (if you absolutely have to) But if you do decide to make your own cover, here are 7 steps that you’ll want to follow.1. Find inspiration and ideas for your coverApart from your ability to execute a design, the most important aspect of book covers is their ability to connect with the target market: that is, the people who are likely to buy the kind of title you’re writing. Therefore, your first stop for inspiration should always be the other books in your genre. Let us know your thoughts and questions about book cover design in the comments below.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Lesson Plan Observation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Lesson Plan Observation - Essay Example Each student will initiate a conversation like this, â€Å"Hello, my name is Mario. I’m interested in listening to music. What are you interested in?† and the other person would say, â€Å"Hello Mario, I’m Luiji. I’m interested in dancing:. They are given two character cards, therefore they must find a good reason. The students joined in the small talk and demonstrated command of relevant conversational conventions and degree of politeness required from the conversational partners with unequal status, i.e. teacher and students. Students were able to identify the key phrases from Unit 4 when presented with textbook CD recording. They were able to reproduce the content of repetition drill in their conversations with classmates. By the end of the role play all students found their conversational partners using conversational patterns to elicit information about things other students are interested in. The lesson is aimed at developing speaking skills that focus on the exchange of information. In language education this function of human interaction is referred to as â€Å"talk as transaction† (Richards, 2008, p.21). The activities suggested in the lesson shift the focus from the social function of conversation, e.g. small talk or presenting oneself, to what is said and done, i.e. the content of interaction, e.g. things students are interested in. Following suggestions outlined by J.C. Richards in Teaching Listening and Speaking, the teacher can help students to understand the theme and objectives of the task by brainstorming ideas with the class, using pictures that illustrate key vocabulary of Unit 4 to introduce the topic. At the stage of brainstorming students can predict the content of the textbook CD recording or share ideas on the types of interests people may have. To keep track of student ideas teacher writes the words on the board. After students listen to the recording they discuss its content (in pairs or