Monday, February 24, 2020

Compare and contrast political ideologies, such as Liberalism and Research Paper

Compare and contrast political ideologies, such as Liberalism and Conservatism - Research Paper Example Political ideologies are a product by a person’s personal beliefs, refined by many years of contemplation and further shaped by numerous life experiences. More than anything else, ideological disputes instigate a highly emotional reaction in people. Abortion, torture, foreign military intervention, gay marriage, workers rights, global warming, health care, the economy, the definition of civil liberties and, incredibly, forced trans-vaginal ultrasound along with several other politically stirring issues are causing ideological battles that have drawn clear ideological boundaries and deeply divided the nation. This paper explains the two polar opposite political points of view, liberalism and conservatism, while giving examples of how each interpret some current issues and why the conservative ideology is fundamentally flawed. The principles of Liberalism include an intense conviction in the democratic process and are confident that the people’s constitutional rights will keep the powers of the government in check. Liberal political leaders have, partially by necessity, steadily grown governmental authority beyond where the authors of the Constitution and some people would prefer. The doctrine of conservatism relies, in part, on their collective interpretation of a Christian-based ideology. As opposed to liberals, conservatives are opposed to government regulation of business but are generally in favor of laws that regulate the personal conduct of private citizens. They are determined to promote their religious agenda without consideration of personal liberties, scientific evidence or constitutional confirmation that may contradict their opinion. â€Å"At the core of the conservative ideology lays a thirst for heroes and villains, a visceral resistance to change, rigid adherence to tradition, fear of the unknown,

Friday, February 7, 2020

Child abuse and maltreatment Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Child abuse and maltreatment - Assignment Example Shouting at a chid may cause emotional distress. Abuse of toddlers has greater impacts more than one can see. Neglect and other forms of abuse have both long term and short term consequences including developmental delays, physical injuries, emotional trauma, and aggressive behaviour. As a nurse it is important to recognize the tell tale signs of abuse in toddlers since the toddlers can not express themselves. These include shaken baby syndrome, evidence of poor hygiene, sleep disturbances for the young one, unaccounted for bruises and physical injuries, a child being abandoned or left unsupervised, aggressive behaviour towards other children. While neglect and abuse has been documented, some cultural practices can always be misidentified as abuse. For example, disciplinary practices in various communities; physical punishment is accepted in the low socio economic classes. This means that such cultural differences in rearing children place parents at greater risks of being reported. In Florida over 40 professionals have been mandated to report child abuse cases one of them being the nurses (Cruise & Gorton, 2001). If nurses suspect any child abuse, they can report through fax or phone. The phone number is toll free and open all the time. The fax number is also open for twenty four hours a day. The nurses are required to give the reactions of the child ad